
A mostrar mensagens de agosto, 2018

Detox after holidays - Day 8 to 14

The last week was very difficult to be focus on my diet because I had a few events and dinners with friends and it’s really hard to say no to a glass of wine or some yummy food or desserts. But i think I’m doing great and even I didn’t loose weight this week, I didn’t put any. So it’s a good balance! I did some exercise but not every day and that makes a lot of difference to me because with my slow metabolism, I really need to do a lot of cardio to burn some extra calories. But the holidays are almost finish and when I will be back to my routine I know I will loose the other 1,5 kilo. I hope my meals can help and inspire you for the weight lost! One of my favourite places in Portugal for Snacks it’s the Go Natural, they have a lot of healthy option, no gluten and a lot of detox juices! I wish I could have it in Singapore because it helps a lot! Day 8 - since I didn’t go to the gym I had a huge breakfast/brunch ( I’m so spoiled from my mum), with scramble eggs, white cheese, banana...

Detox after Holidays - Day 4 to 7

After a long weekend it was impossible to write daily my meals. I know I’m on holidays but being with 3 kids all day can be more exhausting than having a job from 9-5 pm. But I’m not complaining because I love to spend time with them and I have the help of my parents here. But don’t think that I gave up of my goal to loose the 3 kilos, actually I lost already 1,5kilos and that makes me feel really happy. Of course the exercise is helping a lot, I’m not doing as much as I wanted but at least I’m doing something! Day 4 - it was pretty busy with the kids and I didn’t have time to go to the gym in the morning. So I decided to have a big breakfast. Breakfast: scramble eggs, paleo bread, nuts and some fruits. At lunch time I went for a face cleaning so I didn’t want to eat much and I just decided to have some beautiful strawberries with a big coffee. In the afternoon I took the boys to swimming and Maria to Hip Hop and I had a chicken salad at the coffee shop. My meals were a little ...